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Transform Your Life

Discover Healing, Empowerment, and Spiritual Growth with Our Comprehensive Online Courses


Discover Your Mother Archetype Today!

Discover the Hidden Influence of Your Mother Archetype: Take the Quiz and Dive into a Journey of Self-Discovery. Uncover the Patterns and Energies Shaping Your Life, and Embark on a Transformational Path towards Empowerment. Are You Ready to Explore the Depths of Your Mother Wound?


Unlock the power of effective communication with the Foundations of NLP Communication course. Master essential techniques and strategies to enhance your personal and professional interactions. Elevate your communication skills and transform your relationships. Enroll today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.


Join Us On The Journey!



Discover the profound healing and empowerment of MotherMend, a transformative course that guides you through the journey of healing your maternal wounds. With compassion and expert guidance, explore the roots of your mother issues, reframe limiting beliefs, and nurture your inner strength. Embrace personal growth, establish healthy boundaries, and tap into your authentic power. It's time to break free from the chains of the past and create a future filled with healing, wholeness, and empowerment.


Women's Relationship Program - Enroll Today!

The Women's Relationship Program is a transformational program designed to empower women to lead their relationships with confidence and grace. Through a series of energy-based practices and techniques, women will learn to balance their energy, cultivate mindfulness, and develop the skills necessary to navigate their relationships with ease and clarity. The program is rooted in the understanding that our relationships are a reflection of our inner energy and subconscious mind, and by working with these energies, women can create deeper, more meaningful connections with their partners. The Women's Relationship Program will guide women through a process of self-discovery, helping them to connect with their spiritual energy and develop the skills necessary to direct this energy in their relationships. Throughout the program, women will learn practical skills and techniques for improving communication, cultivating trust, and creating healthy boundaries in their relationships. They will also explore their own spiritual ethics and values, and learn how to honor these in their relationships. Enroll in the Women's Relationship Program today and gain the tools to take charge of your relationships, lead with confidence, and create deeper, more meaningful connections with your partners. By the end of the program, you'll have a strong foundation of spiritual stamina and boundaries that will support you as you navigate the ups and downs of your relationships. Don't wait - take the first step towards a more fulfilling relationship journey today!

Are You Curious & Want More Information?

Education is the key to success; however ENERGY EDUCATION is the necessity to spiritual success! Learn more today by clicking the button below.

Shelby Has Books!

Are you a reader? Does reading strike your fancy? Did you know Shelby is a published author of 6 books? Here is a sneak peak of two of them. If you want to learn more about her other books click on either one of the purple buttons below.

A Beginner's Journey

If you are new to the world of energy & how it works then this is a great short read for you to learn more!

Click Here To Learn More

A Forgiveness Journey

When you learn energy you learn how to move energy through the energy centers of the body. Curious?

Click Here To Learn More

Shelby Does Sessions!

Do you need some one-on-one attention? Perhaps some TLC? Well, Shelby is here to help with your spiritual movement process. If you were on the fence if you should reach out for a call or chat, well here is your sign. DO IT!

Do You Need A Nudge Of Encouragment?

Go ahead, it's ok to be on the fence or to jump right in. Curiosity is the key to movement. Fear is the foundation that keeps us moving towards movement. Are you confused yet? Good, give Shelby a call or chat & let her help you!

A New Kind of Media!

Shelby News is changing how communication is done through print. Are you ready for the new & refreshing side of email communication? If yes, then head over to the simple form and get your information into Shelby's database! No worries, you will only receive the awesome newsletter once a week on Wednesday's to get you over the hump! 

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Newsletters sound boring; however Shelby's newsletter is INSPIRING & goes out every Wednesday!


Hello! My name is Shelby & I am a 'recovered' intuitive woman who discovered the process to bring balance back to my relationships that left me feeling empowered & in control of my emotions. Now I teach other women the process of how to heal their lady parts while bringing value back into their world. I am a Metaphysical Expert, Master Practitioner of NLP, Ordained Minister, Author, Podcast Host & Professional Speaker. I also own and operate my own spiritual school curriculum for the advancement of 5D communication. Author of 6 Books 1. The Art of Process: 7 Secrets To Overcoming Adversity & Cultivating New Age Prosperity 2. Energy Is The New Brain: Surrender to Death & Begin Living 3. Soul Freedom: A Personal Memoir of One Woman's Journey Through Her Dark Night of the Soul 4. Soul Freedom Companion: The Final Battle To Freedom 5. Twin Flame Love: The Story Of How One Man Saved My Life 6. Energy Delish: Recipes That Will Feed Your Energy Founder, Creator & Teacher Spiritual School Curriculum 1. Relationship Reset Course 2. Movement Course 3. 5th Dimension Course 4. Mediumship Course 5. Psychic Energy Course 6. Energy Alchemy Course 7. Celebrity Consciousness Course 8. Spiritual Ethics Course 9. Twin Flame Course Yes ya'll, these are the many faces of me, myself & I as I look back on this journey and wonder how the hell I made it. Well, if I can do it & I have the process to make it easier for you, then I KNOW you can do it. Let's connect!


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