Energy Is The New Brain

5th Dimension Activation

Begin your journey as your own personal energy soldier by learning that energy is the new brain.  It is time to shift your consciousness to 5D energy through the simple read of Energy is the New Brain so the brain shifts to energy consciousness instead of mental consciousness.

Paperback $9.99 

Kindle $9.99

(available in Paperback & Kindle via Amazon)

The Art of Process

Forgiveness Work

In a spiritual ascension process, forgiveness work is a MUST.  This is a very EASY, ENERGETICALLY ALIGNED & EFFECTIVE way to do forgiveness work and get the energy traction necessary to move the energies forward.  All you need is a #2 Pencil, Paper and You.

Paperback $11.11

Kindle $9.99

(available in Paperback & Kindle via Amazon)

Soul Freedom

Dark Night of the Soul

I strongly encourage you to read the real time journey of my spiritual awakening.  These journal entries came from a 48 day forgiveness journey that The Art of Process book is about.  When you can read the experience of my personal journey it fills in the ENERGY GAPS of your own journey; therefore making the loop of your experience much more solid and stable.  Remember, it is all about energy work.  Read & Receive.

Paperback $11.11

Kindle $9.99

(available in Paperback & Kindle via Amazon)

Soul Freedom Companion

Dark Night of the Soul

Sometimes the Dark Night of the Soul experience has to be broken down into parts and can create an entirely new section of your awarenesses.  This is the continuation of my personal process and how it all ended once I was complete with the work within this segment of my life. There is an interesting 'twist' to how it all 'ended' and how my power came rushing in by the time it was all written and complete. 

Paperback $12.12

Kindle $9.99

(available in Paperback & Kindle via Amazon)

Twin Flame Love

My Fake 'Body' Story

This is the hardest book for me to list and speak about; however it is the one that is the most popular.

In my course program: Introduction to Twin Flame Energy, I speak about the energy of the twin and how that energy can be in any type of body.  Well, this is my true story of a fake 'body' that exhibited each and every step of the Twin Flame experience as I knew it to be.  I even go over each step of the process as it related to the 'old paradigm.'  This book will definitely help you fill in the gaps of your Twin Flame experience and help you to not feel so 'crazy' in the experience.  Yes, this is kind of embarrassing for me to showcase.  I definitely learned!  Thank God I 'grew up!' 

Paperback $13.13

Kindle $9.99

(available in Paperback & Kindle via Amazon)

Energy De-Lish

Recipes That Will Feed Your Energy

I wrote this recipe book to ensure that my fellow ascenders know that it is ok to have a little bit of pleasure as you are ascending and clearing through the energies of 5th dimension.  There are times in this journey where you just have to feed what the body is craving and know it is ok and unimportant to know why.  Eventually the truth of that meal will present itself.  Everything is in moderation and so are the energies we traverse through.  Enjoy some of my favorite 'feel good' foods when you just need to comfort my soul.

Paperback $7.77 

Kindle $7.77

(available in Paperback & Kindle via Amazon)

"I bought The Art of Process because I was lost in my life and angry at many people. I figured that I would try to find a path that could help me get rid of my anger. The process in this book was more than what I bargained for. I learned way more than how to do forgiveness. I am now more open to energy, the chakras and how it all links to my spiritual waking up process. Thank you Shelby for being on the internet so I could find this amazing life changing book. "

Alison G.

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