Spiritual School Curriculum



Unleash Your Inner Power with "What Are Chakras!?!?" - an empowering journey to understand, balance, and harness the transformative energy within you. Dive into the enchanting world of chakras, explore their colors and qualities, and discover the keys to emotional well-being and spiritual growth. Guided meditations and practical tools await you on this soulful quest to awaken your spiritual essence. Embrace the wisdom of your energy centers and experience a profound transformation in mind, body, and spirit.

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Discover the profound healing and empowerment of MotherMend, a transformative course that guides you through the journey of healing your maternal wounds. With compassion and expert guidance, explore the roots of your mother issues, reframe limiting beliefs, and nurture your inner strength. Embrace personal growth, establish healthy boundaries, and tap into your authentic power. It's time to break free from the chains of the past and create a future filled with healing, wholeness, and empowerment.



Unlock the power of effective communication with the Foundations of NLP Communication course. Master essential techniques and strategies to enhance your personal and professional interactions. Elevate your communication skills and transform your relationships. Enroll today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.


Movement Course


Welcome to the Carino Celebrities Movement Course, a transformative journey designed for women to start a new foundation of forgiveness and release old patterns in their relationships and spiritual lives. Through this course, you will embark on an ethical process of forgiveness that allows you to let go of the past and step into a fresh, new energy foundation.

During this course, you will gain insights into the patterns that have been running in your life and how they have affected your relationships with yourself and others. You will learn how to forgive yourself and others for any hurt or harm caused, and start a new relationship with yourself and your spiritual path. By letting go of the past, you will create space for a new beginning, filled with love, compassion, and acceptance.

This course is for any woman who is ready to take a step towards healing and growth in their relationships and spiritual lives. Join us today and start your journey towards a brighter future filled with forgiveness, love, and empowerment. Enroll now to start your transformation.

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Relationship Reset

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your relationships? Are you tired of trying to work through emotional issues instead of tackling them energetically? Our Relationship Reset course is designed to help women break free from old patterns and reframe their energy to create new and healthy relationship dynamics. This game-changing course will help you override the old subconscious programming and install a new system for immediate results in your relationships. Whether you are currently in a relationship or not, this course will set you up for success when the right relationship does come along. Enroll now and start creating a brighter future for yourself and your relationships.


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5th Dimension

Welcome to our 5th Dimension Course, designed for women who are ready to take their spiritual journey to the next level. This course focuses on filling any gaps in your auric or energy field to aid in your ascension to the 5th dimension.

Through this course, you'll learn how to experience and maintain the higher vibration of 5th dimension energy. This newfound awareness will give you the tools you need to help your male partner rise to his highest level of spiritual energies.

Whether you're already in a relationship or seeking one, this course is a must for any woman on a journey to a more spiritually fulfilling life for herself and her partner. Don't miss out on this opportunity to deepen your spiritual journey and enhance your relationships. Enroll today and start your ascension journey to the 5th dimension.

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Welcome to the Mediumship Course, a program designed for women who are highly sensitive to energy and looking to explore their abilities in a safe and ethical way. This course will provide you with the basic principles of mediumship, including how to ethically pick up and transfer spiritual energy from your partner or potential partner.

Through this program, you will learn how to navigate the energies of your male partner or potential partner with confidence and ease, as well as how to use your sensitivities to strengthen your relationship. You will also learn how to set healthy energetic boundaries, and how to communicate your needs in a clear and effective way.

Whether you are new to mediumship or have some experience, this program is designed to help you deepen your spiritual connection, while also strengthening your relationship with your partner or potential partner. So if you're ready to explore the energies of mediumship and take your relationship to the next level, enroll in the Mediumship Course today.

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Psychic Energy

Welcome to our Psychic Energy course designed specifically for women seeking to create a more ethical and harmonious relationship with their male partner. This course is unlike any other as it is focused on the energy reframe of psychic energy instead of a mental understanding. Through this course, you will learn how to overlap any unethical psychic energy behaviors of subconscious patterns and install a more ethical way to do psychic energy that will help you navigate your relationship with way less stress of drama.

In this course, you will experience a transformation in your psychic energy that will help you alleviate any "spinning up drama" and instead utilize more ethical ways of planning from the future and running the energy for you and your partner. You will learn how to pick up on subtle energy cues and translate them into practical steps to achieve your desired outcomes. You will also learn how to use psychic energy to create a more harmonious and fulfilling relationship with your male partner.

By the end of this course, you will have a new set of psychic tools and techniques that will help you create a more positive and ethical relationship with your partner. So, if you're ready to take control of your psychic energy and transform your relationship, enroll today and join us on this powerful journey of self-discovery and transformation.

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Energy Alchemy

Are you ready to take your relationships to the next level and alchemize your energy for the highest good? If so, then our Energy Alchemy course is the perfect fit for you. This course is designed to provide women with the fundamental knowledge of energy, how it works, and how to use it ethically to achieve their desired outcomes in their relationships.

Through this course, you will learn how to run energy in a way that aligns with your highest intention, creating a ripple effect of positivity and success in your relationships. You will discover how to alchemize your energy, turning negative emotions and experiences into positive ones, and creating a solid foundation of trust and connection with your partner.

This is a game changer course that will give you the tools you need to create the relationship of your dreams. Don't let past hardships and emotional sabotage hold you back any longer. Sign up for our Energy Alchemy course today and discover the power of energy in your relationships.

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Celebrity Consciousness

Welcome to the Celebrity Consciousness Course, where women can transform themselves into the most empowered version of themselves both spiritually and emotionally. This course is a game changer, designed to help women enhance their energy stamina and eliminate the frustration and tiredness they feel in their relationships.

In this course, you will learn about the different roles of energy that you and your partner take on, which is imperative in achieving a successful relationship. You will also discover how seeking validation and trying to be good enough for your partner can be detrimental to your well-being and hinder your growth.

By the end of this course, you will have a newfound understanding of how to tap into your own power and step into your own light, without needing external validation. You will see the word "celebrity" in a whole new light, as you learn to embrace your own inner celebrity consciousness.

This course is truly a miracle course, and we encourage you to invite your friends to join you on this journey to self-discovery and empowerment. Enroll now and experience the transformational power of the Celebrity Consciousness Course.

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Spiritual Ethics

Are you tired of feeling unfulfilled in your relationships despite your best efforts? Do you sometimes feel like you're running on autopilot, without truly considering the ethical implications of your actions? If so, our Spiritual Ethics course is a must for you.

In this course, you'll learn about the spiritual laws that govern our actions and energy usage. You'll discover the various ways in which you may be using your energy unethically and how to rectify those patterns. We'll cover topics such as energy boundaries, karmic debt, and the importance of intention setting.

By the end of this course, you'll have a solid understanding of how to use your spiritual energy in an ethical manner, both for yourself and in your relationships. You'll be empowered with the knowledge to create a more fulfilling and balanced life, full of conscious choices and ethical behavior. Enroll today and start your journey towards a more conscious, fulfilling life.

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Twin Flame

The Twin Flame Energy course is a must for any woman who desires to experience the highest level of love with her partner. Designed by twin flame energy expert Shelby, this course takes you through a step-by-step process of being in the highest energy imaginable with a partner, while also learning how to navigate the constant spiritual transformations that play out in human relationships. Whether you are in a twin flame partnership or you are just in a "normal" relationship, this course is designed to bring the highest level of energy to your specific partnership through the teachings of the twin flame journey.

Shelby shares her expertise and experience to help you understand the unique energies of twin flames and how to navigate the ups and downs of the journey. You'll learn how to recognize the signs of a twin flame partnership and how to work through the challenges that arise as you and your partner evolve on your spiritual journey. This course is designed to give you the tools and knowledge you need to create a deep, meaningful, and loving partnership that will stand the test of time.


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"I signed up for the Women's Relationship Program at a time of desperation when my anxiety was beyond controllable. I was hopeless, in despair & left with no inspiration of what to do next. I began with the Relationship Reset course and immediately began feeling empowered and more in control of myself. I am still working my way through the program but feel more in control, more aware of my energy and hope that my life isn't as bad as I think it is. I had to view my life as a spiritual evolution & then my relationship shifted for the better!"

Mary M.

50% Complete

Two Step

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