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Navigating Spiritual Growth: A Lifelong Journey Back to Nature


I've been on a lifelong spiritual journey, and like many others, I often find myself drawn back to nature. It serves as a reminder of the natural ebb and flow of the energy surrounding us daily. The challenge lies in accessing, utilizing, and knowing when to step back from this innate connection.

Throughout my childhood, I sensed a profound connection to something greater—an intangible yet undeniable presence. It wasn't until later that I recognized this connection as 'God,' a concept often associated with church attendance. Despite my parents' adherence to the ritual of Sunday worship, I remained perplexed, unable to grasp how to access or articulate this innate understanding.

Attending church often left me feeling inspired and motivated, but the sensation would vanish as quickly as it arrived. As a child, I experienced peculiar dreams where it felt like an unseen force pressed down on me, prompting me to seek solace in my parents' bed. Despite feeling an intuitive...

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